Technical Support

The technical support is customized to provide Service Level Agreement to suit your network needs. Available 24/7 to respond to any network emergency.

Technical Support

The technical support services help you maximize the value of Waystream switches and routers.

Our technical support services include the following;

  • Technical support services. Responding to technical questions, providing emergency support in critical network situations, and access to our SLA-based service request management system. This includes access to our 24/7/365 Technical Assistance Centre (TAC).
  • Software updates and upgrades services. Providing new releases of software and firmware to correct limitations (update) and to add functionality (upgrade), access to product documentation and other restricted information. Software and customer documentation is available via the support website.
  • Hardware replacement services. Providing replacement products for units discovered as defective before the standard warranty expires.
The technical support services give access to experts on Waystream products. Technical support services provide incident management with the goal to restore normal operation of services as quickly as possible.

Support Services

Service Level Agreement (SLA) support
For SLA support services, a valid support agreement is required. The Technical Assistance Center (TAC) is available 24/7 to respond to any network emergency. Note, this service is only available to customers with SLA.

For communication with the TAC team, a web-based Service Request ticket system is used. Service Requests track communication and activity related to a particular issue.
A Service Request priority level describes the impact the reported issue has on the current operation of the network, and defines the resources (both from Waystream and customer) that are required to resolve the issue.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) support
Impact on network
Customer resources
TAC resources
Entire network/system down, Critical functions do not work according to specification. Major service disruption experienced by users.
Resources must be available 24/7 to work on the problem.
Resources are assigned 24/7 until a workaround or solution has been found.
One or several key functions are out of service/not working according to specification. Services for a significant numer of users are affected.
Resources must available 8/5 to work on the problem.
Resources are assigned 8/5 until a workaround or solution has been found.
Suspected problem with product or system not behaving as expected. Services for some users are affected.
Resources to be assigned as required to perform troubleshooting.
Resources are assigned to work on the issue in queue order according to SLA.
General support queries about fuctionality or performance. Questions related to services or products to be deployed.
No prioritisation of resources is required to resolve issue.
Resources are assigned to work on the issue in queue order according to SLA.
Emergency phone hot-line contact information is also available after you login to the TAC support site.
Log in to our TAC with your username and password received from Waystream's Support. If you need login details, please contact Sales below.
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 Tel: +46(0)8 56 26 94 50
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